- Serving as PC member of ISMB
- Chirag gives invited talk at the Frontiers Symposium in Data Science held at IISER Thiruvananthapuram. Slides here
- Anandita Mishra joins us as PhD student. Welcome!
- Chirag gives invited talk at the Pangenome Bio Hacking Workshop. Slides here
- Parvesh presents poster at the HiPC Student Research Symposium
- Paper accepted at RECOMB 2025 (acceptance rate: 16%)
- NERSC awards allocation on Perlmutter supercomputer to our lab
- New preprint, Chandra et al. “Accelerating whole-genome alignment in the age of complete genome assemblies”
- New preprint, Chandra et al. “Integer programming framework for pangenome-based genome inference”
- Chirag gives invited talk at the inaugural event of Strand Life Sciences. Slides here.
- Sudhanva and Daanish present their work at the Pennsylvania State University as part of the IISc-PSU collaboration
- Chirag is serving as PC member of RECOMB, HiPC SRS
- Research proposal selected for funding by the Kotak IISc AI–ML Centre
- Sudhanva’s work “Telomere-to-telomere assembly by preserving contained reads” accepted in Genome Research (Long-read special issue)
- Chirag will present at the ACM Winter School on Data Structures and Algorithms for Strings in December. Details and registration link
- Sudhanva presents his research at NITK Surathkal. Slides here
- Chirag gives invited lecture “Algorithmic challenges and solutions for genome assembly” at Ashoka University, slides here
- Sudhanva presents his work on genome assembly at ISMB. Slides here
- Jyotshna defends her MTech thesis titled “Sequence Alignment to Cyclic Pangenome Graphs”
- Chirag is selected for IIT Delhi Graduates of Last Decade (GOLD) Award
- Parvesh receives Reliance Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship (2023-24)
- Our lab is organizing the 2-day BDBio 2024 symposium in IISc
- Ghanshyam presents his research at RECOMB’24 conference held at MIT. Slides here and here
- Daanish’s paper “On the Coverage Required for Diploid Genome Assembly” is accepted at ISIT 2024
- Sudhanva receives Best Student Presentation Award at the EECS 2024 Symposium. Slides here
- Lab members showcase their research to the general public at IISc Open Day
- Chirag is invited speaker at Genomics India Conference. Slides here
- Chirag is awarded India Alliance Intermediate Fellowship
- Ghanshyam’s paper is accepted at RECOMB (acceptance rate = 16%)
- Jyotshna presents her work at the Genome Informatics meeting in New York. Slides here
- Ajeya presents his work at HiPC conference held in Goa. Slides here
- Serving as PC member of RECOMB, RECOMB-seq and ISMB
- Preprint “Haplotype-aware sequence-to-graph alignment” is now online (project led by Ghanshyam)
- Preprint “Telomere-to-telomere assembly by preserving contained reads” is now online (project led by Sudhanva and Mehak)
- Jyotshna receives ACM-W Scholarship
- Sauma is awarded Prime Minister Research Fellowship
- Ajeya’s and Manasa’s work on compression of GenomeIndia sequencing data is accepted at HiPC’23 (acceptance rate=24%)
- Ghanshyam receives Intel Research Fellowship (2023-24)
- Parvesh Barak begins his M.Tech. research program in the lab. Welcome!
- Chirag gives an invited talk in Scalable Computational Genomics Session at CiE 2023. Slides here
- Co-organizing CDS Resesarch Expo
- Jyotshna’s project work on the first practical chaining algorithm for cyclic pangenome graphs is accepted at WABI
- Co-organizing Symposium on Big Data Algorithms for Biology (BDBIO)
- Ghanshyam and Chirag give talks at RECOMB and RECOMB-seq
- NSM awards research funding to our group
- Ghanshyam presents his work on pangenome graphs at EECS 2023 Symposium
- Vidushi, Dyotana and Jyotshna win 1st place prize at Genomics Hackathon at Centre for Brain Research IISc
- Ghanshyam receives research funding through EMPOWER program from Kotak IISc AI-ML Centre
- Chirag gives a talk on “Graph representation of human genomes” at the NTU-IISc Symposium on Health and Life Sciences. Slides here.
- Kushagra wins 2nd place Best Poster Award at HiPC Student Research Symposium
- NERSC awards allocation on Perlmutter supercomputer to our group
- Ghanshyam’s first paper from PhD is accepted at RECOMB (acceptance rate = 20%)
- Extended abstracts submitted by Ghanshyam and Kushagra are accepted at HiPC SRS
- Daanish is awarded Prime Minister Research Fellowship
- Chirag receives NERSC High Performance Computing Achievement Award
- New preprint on long-read alignment algorithm to pangenome graphs
- Chirag is invited speaker at Genome Informatics 2022
- Mehak Bindra joins us as Project Associate. Welcome!
- Daanish Mahajan begins his IMI PhD program with us. He will be co-advised with Prof. Navin Kashyap. Welcome!
- Chirag gives a keynote talk at ISMB Microbiome COSI. Slides here
- SERB SRG research funding is awarded to our group for the project titled Algorithmic techniques for compression of population-scale sequencing data
- Chirag is invited to speak at HPC for AI & Biology symposium
- Our collaborative work with Intel Labs on accelerating long read mapping is accepted at Nature Computational Science
- Chirag serves as a PC member for ISMB’22, RECOMB-seq’22
- ChainX, our co-linear chaining algorithm is accepted at RECOMB 2022
- Two lab members Ghanshyam Chandra, Sai Manasa were part of winning team at the National-HPC Hackathon
- Ghanshyam Chandra, Sudhanva Kamath and Jyotshna Rajput begin their research program in ATCG group. Welcome!
- Check out our new preprint on accelerating long-read mapping. This is collaborative work with Parallel Computing Lab at Intel.
- Oral presentations scheduled in HitSeq and VarI ISMB’21 conference tracks.
- A complete human genome reconstruction by the T2T consortium and our software contribution are highlighted in a TOI news article.
- Bhavay Aggarwal (CSE, IIITD) joins us as a project intern. Welcome!
- Kushagra Agarwal (CSE, IIITH) joins us as a project intern. Welcome!
- Two papers (variant selection in genome graphs and Nanopore raw signal mapper) accepted at ISMB’21.
- NSM announce funding for our project titled “Parallel algorithmic building blocks for real-time DNA and RNA sequencing”
- Two preprints that propose a variant selection framework for genome-graphs and faster algorithm for anchor chaining are posted on bioRxiv
- Aniswar Ramalingam (IITM CS U.G. student) joins us as project intern. He’ll be co-advised with Prof. Simmhan. Welcome!
- NERSC HPC allocation awarded to our group for using U.S. D.O.E. supercomputers
- Review of long read error correction methods published in BMC Genomics. Congrats Haowen!
- Chirag gives an invited seminar at IMSc Chennai. Thanks Prof. Samal for hosting
- Chirag presents Winnowmap2 at CSHL Biological Data Science meeting. Slides here
- Our new preprint improves long read mapping to repetitive genome reference sequences
- Chirag receives Pratiksha Trust Young Investigator Award
- Chirag starts ATCG (Algorithmic Techniques for Computational Genomics) lab in CDS, IISc